About «YELLOW PAGES» company, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan


«YELLOW PAGES» (LLC) company began its activity in Uzbekistan in 1995.
«YELLOW PAGES» is a famous and useful trade mark in the almost entire world.
Projects of «YELLOW PAGES» trade mark in Uzbekistan are: «YELLOW PAGES UZBEKISTAN», «YELLOW PAGES TASHKENT», «MIR USLUG» directories, www.yellowpages.uz web-site and «1059» Reference phone service. Products and services, allowed by company, are aimed to the different audience of information users.
«YELLOW PAGES UZBEKISTAN» directory book (drawing 10 000 copies, A4 format, it is published annually in IV quarter of the year) aimed on goods and services end-users.  It’s oriented to the business part of the population and commercial structures; it contains the comprehensive information about enterprises, organizations, their goods and services along Uzbekistan. Arrangement of advertising material and information in this publication gives possibility for the companies to draw attention to their activity of potential investors, partners and users. Directory book has its appendixes: «Tashkent city - Republic of Uzbekistan» map and «e-Directory» electronic version.
«YELLOW PAGES TASHKENT» directory book (drawing 10 000 copies, A5 format, it had published annually in II quarter of the year) contained referencing information about enterprises, organizations, their goods and services, leading the activity in Tashkent city. In 2013 publishing of the book had been stopped.
«MIR USLUG» (WORLD OF SERVICES) directory book (drawing 10 000 copies, A5 format, it has been publishing annually in III quarter of the year). Directory is published in 2014. It is a branch directory book, which contains detailed information about organizations, companies and their services, working in Tashkent.
To 2015 «YELLOW PAGES» company published sixteen editions of «YELLOW PAGES UZBEKISTAN» directory book, ten editions of «YELLOW PAGES TASHKENT» directory book and first editions of «MIR USLUG» directory book.
www.yellowpages.uz or www.yp.uz web-site is one of the most complete and convenient search systems, which gives possibility to obtain information about goods and services producers and suppliers, state organizations and commercial structures throughout Uzbekistan.
The contemporary design and convenient navigation makes it possible for extended and local search by different parameters. Site conducts its work since 2006. Data base is filled up daily, renew every 3 days. At present the hit of the site is more than 2500 unique visitors per day. The site allows to look through its visitors both the whole and every organization separately. Contains many useful additional information.
«1059» Reference phone service gives information about organizations, enterprises, their goods and services by phone. Operators can give both basic and additional information. On the average for a day they answer on 800-1500 bells. Service works daily from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. without weekends and festive days.
«YELLOW PAGES» company constantly works above quality of its goods, their design, service ways and availability to wide audience.

100170, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Sairam street 25
el.: (99871) 2833632, 2917723, 2917724
Fax: (99871) 2833229, 2833638
E-mail: info@yp.uz, office@yp.uz
www.yellowpages.uz, www.yp.uz

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