About Company
When contacting CHIROY-TIB ООО, please tell us that you found information about this organization in the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan directory.
Address: Uzbekistan, 100123, Tashkent region, Tashkent, Uchtepa district, massif CHILANZAR-11, 45
Cosmetology services (Cosmetology), Medicine - Plastic surgery, Andrology, Dermatology, Hardware cosmetology - Services, Biorevitalization and redermalization - services, Laser surgery - services, Laser treatment of nail - service, Laser removal of warts - service, Liposuction - services, Eyelid surgery - services, Plastic surgery (mammoplasty) - services, Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) - services, Face lifting - services, Plastic nose - services, Plastic ears (otoplasty) - services, Mesotherapy - services, Anti-aging facials - sale, manufacturing, Whitening face masks - sale, manufacturing, Cosmetic surgery, Cellulite treatment, Gynecology, Urology
surgery, lipoksation, treatment of fruitlessness, laser, eyelids plastic, nose plastic surgery, ear plastic surgery, sangapuri, breast plastic surgery, botox, mesotherapy, aesthetic medicine, lip augmentation with gel, contour plastic, gel filling creases, biorevitalization, redermalization, sclerotherapy of varicose veins, thread suspender - 4 d mezzanine, skin rejuvenation without surgery, face and neck plasmin lifting, plasmolifting - hair growth, lip augmentation - cheyloplasty, eyebrow lift, mammoplasty - breast plastic surgery, abdominoplasty - abdominal plastic, plastic of shoulders and hips, lipofilling, spheroplasty - thigh Lift, brachioplasty - shoulder lift, laser surgery, blefaro plastic, facelift without narcosis, abdominoplasty, restoration of fallopian tubes, treatment of tubal infertility, mammoplasty, filament lift, plasmolifting, abdominal plastic, plastic surgeon, Thigh Lift, facelift, lip augmentation
The distance from CHIROY-TIB ООО to the nearest landmarks is within 1000 m
Organization's view statistics "CHIROY-TIB LLC"
For current month (March 2025): 6
For last month (February 2025): 44
For 3 month (January 2025 - February 2025): 298
For half year (October 2024 - February 2025): 631
For year (January 2024 - December 2024): 1409
Statistics of company reviews
Total reviews: 0? Review moderation rules
Frequently asked questions about the company (CHIROY-TIB LLC)
- ❓ CHIROY-TIB LLC website URL?
- ❓ CHIROY-TIB LLC telephone numbers?You can call CHIROY-TIB LLC on telephone numbers: 78 1400240
- ❓ How to get to CHIROY-TIB LLC?To build a route, you can use the map on our website
- ❓ Where is CHIROY-TIB LLC located?CHIROY-TIB LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, TASHKENT, UCHTEPA district, MAGISTRALNAYA, 100123, 45.
Helpful information
CHIROY-TIB FOR COSMETICS SERVICES CENTER in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. CHIROY-TIB FOR COSMETICS SERVICES CENTER: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.
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