About Company
When contacting ENERGOREMONT ПП, please tell us that you found information about this organization in the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan directory.
Address: Uzbekistan, 100097, Tashkent region, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, avenue BUNYODKOR, 44
Low-voltage installation, Electric products - Production, Sales, Repair, Cable ladders, cable racks - sale, production, Complete switchgears - sale, production, Condensing units for reactive power compensation - sale, production, Electric board fabrication - services, Metal furniture - sale, production, Metal chairs, metal tables - sale, production, Metal cabinets wardrobe - sale, production, Control cabinets - sale, production
low-voltage complete devices, middle-voltage complete distributive devices, cable bearing systems, town complete transformer substations, industrial complete transformer substations, brick complete transformer substations, combined chambers of one-side service, complete distributive devices, box of management and defence of asynchronous engines, distributive point, shield of emergency illumination, shield of electric energy account, closet of automatic input of reserve feed (AIR), closet of outward illumination, distributive box, distributive closet, lighting box, housing shield, distributive panels, introductory-distributive device, distributive corymb, control panel, electric operation shield, medical shield, floor shield, condenser options, low-voltage device of cathode defence, fire warning shields, shields of reveal and drawings vent systems, automation shields, signaling shields
The distance from ENERGOREMONT ПП to the nearest landmarks is within 1000 m
Organization's view statistics "ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE"
For current month (March 2025): 19
For last month (February 2025): 32
For 3 month (January 2025 - February 2025): 293
For half year (October 2024 - February 2025): 704
For year (January 2024 - December 2024): 1372
Statistics of company reviews
Total reviews: 0? Review moderation rules
Frequently asked questions about the company (ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE)
- ❓ ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE telephone numbers?You can call ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE on telephone numbers: 71 2763656
- ❓ How to get to ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE?To build a route, you can use the map on our website
- ❓ Where is ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE located?ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE is located at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, TASHKENT, CHILANZAR district, SHARK, 100097, 44.
- ❓ ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE fax numbers?You can send a fax to the number 71 2769858.
Helpful information
ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. ENERGOREMONT PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.
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