Country code: +998
Phone number:
E-mail: uzhimlabpribor@mail.ru, info@himlabpribor.uz
Website: http://www.himlabpribor.uz
Fax: 71 2311988
About Company
When contacting HIMLABPRIBOR ООО, please tell us that you found information about this organization in the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan directory.
Address: Uzbekistan, 100066, Tashkent region, Tashkent, Chilanzar district, street FURKAT, 175
Landmark: , , T-TOWER" business centre
Weighing equipment, Water purification - Equipment, Materials and technology, Laboratory equipment, Medical equipment- Disposable syringes, Infusion & Transfusion systems, Medical industry - Production of instruments, Equipment, Items, Food industry - Equipment, Filters - Water and other, Filters - Industrial, Pharmaceutical equipment and instruments, Chemical industry - Equipment, Stomatologic equipment and tools, Automatic analyzers - Sales, Production, Automobile scales - Sales, Production, Medical laboratory, Medical equipment - Sale, Production, Medical equipment repairs, X-Ray equipment - Sale, Production, Chemical reagents, Installation of water filters, Medical autoclaves - sale, production, Dental autoclaves - sale, production, Household water filters - sale, production, Wagon scales - sale, production, Weight indicators - sale, production, Scales - sales, production, Baby scales - sale, production, Grain moisture meters - sale, production, Disc filters for water - sale, production, Distillers - sale, production, Dental equipment - sale, production, Conductivity salimeter - sale, production, Medical beds - sale, production, Laboratory water bath - sale, production, Laboratory glassware - sale, production, Laboratory scales - sale, production, Laboratory drying ovens - sale, production, Laboratory centrifuges - sale, production, Platform scales - sale, production, Computer software - sales, design, Industrial scales - sale, production, Industrial filters for water - sale, Pulse oximeters - sale, production, Diagnostic reagents - sale, production, LED lamps operating - sale, production, Medical instruments - sale, manufacturing, Medical expendable materials - sale, production, Medical electronic scales - sale, production, Binocular microscopes - sale, production, Mobile, portable X-ray machines - sales, production, Patient Monitors - sale, production, Floor scales - sale, production, Chinese equipment - delivery to order, Operating tables, surgical tables - sale, production, Sterilizers - sale, production, Dental chairs - sale, production, Dental materials - sale, production, Dental X-ray equipment - sale, production, Ultrasound machines - sale, production, Water filters for domesti - sale, production, Phonendoscopes, stethoscopes - sale, Digital X-Rays - sale, production, Exhaust hoods - sale, production, Jaw crushers - sale, production, Electrocardiography, ECG machines - sale, production, Analysis for COVID (coronavirus), Biochemistry analyzers - sale, production, Hematology analyzers - sale, production, Bactericidal recirculators - sale, production, PCR tests for coronavirus, IGG and IGM antibody tests
scales, avtoklavi, distilyatori, sterilizers, equipment for water purification, microscopes, ultrasonic cavitation, automatic analyzers, urine analyzers, biochemical analyzers, video colposcopes, video endoscopes, hematology analyzers, infusion pumps, patient monitors, syringe pumps, water bath, pipette-dispensers, thermostat, muffle furnace, distillers, oxygen concentrators, to purchase a pulse oximeter, air recirculator, CO2 incubators, pH meters, moisture analyzers, electrolyte analyzers, sterilization bixes, vacuum pumps, dosimeter-radiometer, sterilization indicators, ifa analyzers and washers, uv-bactericidal cameras, coagulometry, conductometers, laser analyzers, ENT combines, medical centrifuges, membrane filters, monitors of mother and fetus, density meters, polariscopes, PCR rooms, refractometers, rotary evaporators, vacuum filtration systems, spectrometers, particle counters in liquid, thermal analysis, titrators, ultrasonic baths, gas chromatographs, liquid chromatographs, chromatomass spectrometers, elemental analysis, spectrophotometers, centrifuges, electrocardiographs, water and sand baths, shakers, polarographs, magnetic stirrers
The distance from HIMLABPRIBOR ООО to the nearest landmarks is within 1000 m
Organization's view statistics "HIMLABPRIBOR LLC"
For current month (March 2025): 18
For last month (February 2025): 54
For 3 month (January 2025 - February 2025): 411
For half year (October 2024 - February 2025): 979
For year (January 2024 - December 2024): 1999
Statistics of company reviews
Total reviews: 0? Review moderation rules
Frequently asked questions about the company (HIMLABPRIBOR LLC)
- ❓ HIMLABPRIBOR LLC telephone numbers?You can call HIMLABPRIBOR LLC on telephone numbers: 97 7772501
- ❓ How to get to HIMLABPRIBOR LLC?To build a route, you can use the map on our website
- ❓ Where is HIMLABPRIBOR LLC located?HIMLABPRIBOR LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, TASHKENT, CHILANZAR district, TEMUR MALIK, 100066, 175.
- ❓ HIMLABPRIBOR LLC fax numbers?You can send a fax to the number 71 2311988.
Helpful information
HIMLABPRIBOR LLC in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. HIMLABPRIBOR LLC: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.
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