About Company
When contacting HR BAZAAR INC ООО, please tell us that you found information about this organization in the Yellow Pages Uzbekistan Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan directory.
Brand name: HR BAZAAR INC
Address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, 45, office 408
Accounting services, Personnel recruitment agencies, Accounting consulting - services, Accounting support - services, Maintenance of accounting records - services, Restoration of accounting - services, HR audit - services, Selection of drivers - services, Selection of governesses - services, Selection of home cookers - services, Selection of housekeepers - services, Selection of marketers - services, Selection of medical personnel - services, Selection of nurses - services, Selection of office managers - services, Personnel selection - services, Selection of couples for domestic help - services, Selection of sitters - services, Selection of cleaners, cleaners services, Calculation of dividend payments - services, Recruitment agencies, Sending reports of INPS - services
The distance from HR BAZAAR INC ООО to the nearest landmarks is within 1000 m
Organization's view statistics "HR BAZAAR INC LLC"
For current month (March 2025): 7
For last month (February 2025): 14
For 3 month (January 2025 - February 2025): 223
For half year (October 2024 - February 2025): 561
For year (January 2024 - December 2024): 1335
Statistics of company reviews
Total reviews: 0? Review moderation rules
Frequently asked questions about the company (HR BAZAAR INC LLC)
- ❓ HR BAZAAR INC LLC telephone numbers?You can call HR BAZAAR INC LLC on telephone numbers: 99 8306333
- ❓ How to get to HR BAZAAR INC LLC?To build a route, you can use the map on our website
- ❓ Where is HR BAZAAR INC LLC located?HR BAZAAR INC LLC is located at the address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, TASHKENT, YAKKASARAY district, 1-st PAMIR, 45, office 408.
Helpful information
HR BAZAAR INC in Tashkent, Uzbekistan - current information in the catalog Yellow Pages of Uzbekistan. HR BAZAAR INC: contacts, address, phone, fax, website, location, landmarks and other additional information on the website Yellow Pages Uzbekistan.
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